Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Instant cereal (ragi and wheat) porridge for babies 7-12 months old
(Please continue exclusive breast feeding and you should never feed a single drop of water to the baby till 06 months of age)
Here, I have posted a instant porridge powder for babies to feed with warm water while traveling. Packaged instant powder causes indigestion and constipation for the babies. Instead of depending on this, you can prepare home made, healthy and weight gaining powder at home.

Preparation of articles
Articles needed are:
  1. Bowl-1
  2. Baking tray-1
  3. Airtight container-1 
  4. Cooking bowl-1
  5. Spoon-1
  6. Mixer grinder jar-1
  • Wash all articles with tap water and soap.Then, again wash with boiled water and get it dry.
  • Mixer grinder jar is the best source of bacterial growth, so that mother should clean it well. Take the white paper, dish wash solution and 50 ml of water in the grinder, grind it for 1 minute and wash it very well (Rationale- To remove food stain and dirt). Then, pour boiling water and cover it with lid for ten minutes (Rationale- To kill bacteria completely). And keep it dry.
Preparation of dough for powder
  1. Ragi flour- 100 gm
  2. Wheat flour-100gm
  3. Refined flour-50 gm (a small amount to stabilize the dough)
  4. Butter-50gm
  5. Brown sugar-100gm
Wash hands with soap and water.
In a bowl, take all powders, mix it well and keep it aside. Take a cooking bowl, add butter and brown sugar and keep it on the very low flame. Stir it continuously until brown sugar dissolves very well.
Pour this solution into mixed flour and make a dough with a cleaned hand. Knead it for five minutes. Then, you can shape the dough into different forms and keep it in an airtight container. Keep it the freezer for overnight.
Next day morning, you can transfer it to a baking tray and bake it in 200-degree Celsius for 20-25 minutes. Make sure that it should not get burned.
After baking, allow it to cool and you can transfer it to a cleaned mixer grinder and make a fine powder. If you need, you can mix it with infant milk formula powder in equal amounts.
You can store it at room temperature for a week and in the fridge for a month.

If you do not have oven, you can prepare cookies with a pressure cooker. Take a cleaned pressure cooker, keep a rack and place tray with biscuits on top of it. Cover with lid with out nozzle.  Switch on the stove to medium flame and keep it for 30 minutes.

To be noted: While traveling, you can mix it with warm water and can give it to baby.
Do not compromise on cleaning and hygiene of the food, otherwise, you have to see the little one is suffering from the infection.

Reliability of the information
"We live in the midst of so many answers, suggestions, and options to one question itself. During my motherhood period, I found very difficult to opt the best do's for my baby, despite being a professional nurse. After a lot of readings, observations, brainstorming discussions with my colleagues who are nursing experts, health professionals, and experienced mothers, and I have opted the best things for my baby, implemented and succeeded to have a happy motherhood period without a single episode of fever, cold or diarrhea for the baby and sleepless night too. In spite of committing trials and errors during your parenting time, you can read, understand and implement it. If you have any queries or suggestions, a great welcome to my blog."
                                                                                  Mrs.Ponnambily Jobin

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