Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sharkarra varatti / Banana chips coated with jaggary

Preparation time- 5 mins
Cooking time-  20 mins 
Total time- 25 mins
Sharkarra varatti / Banana chips coated with jaggary
Ingredients :
  1. Banana - 3no.
  2. Curd - 200 ml
  3. Oil -200 ml
  4. Jaggery - 250 gm
  5. Ghee - 4 tsp
  6. Cardamom - 4 no.
  7. Dry ginger - 1 tsp
  8. Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp   
Step 1: Mix two glass of water with curd. Peel the skin of banana, cut into cube sized pieces and put it in the above mentioned solution for 30 minutes. Then, drain the water and keep it aside.

Step 2: Warm the oil on medium flame and fry the bananas till it becomes crispy and golden color.

Step 3: In another pan, boil one glass of water and add jaggery in it. Stir it well, till it becomes moderate thick. Add cardamom, cumin and dry ginger powder in it. 

Step 4: Finally, add fried bananas and ghee and stir it well. Allow it to cool. Store it in a glass air sealed container. Keep it in dry place.
 Now, crispy banana chips coated with jaggery is ready