Sweet green moong dal rice porridge for babies/1-2 years old-A complete and healthy weight gaining food
Benefits of rice
- Is a source of energy for growth and development of the baby
- Helps to ease digestion
- Provides magnesium and selenium which is essential for the maturity of the organs
- Contains fiber
- Contains copper for brain development
Benefits of banana (Nendran)
- High in fiber content and prevents constipation among babies
- Helps to ease digestion
- Contains essential vitamins and minerals and helps in optimum physical growth and development for the baby
- Iron content in banana stimulates blood production.
- Rich in fiber
- rich in antioxidants
- Eases digestion process
- Prevents constipation
- It is a natural calcium supplement and helps in bone growth
- Maintains gum health
- Increases mental focus and alertness
- Has antitoxic effects to protect from infections
- Has anti-cancerous effects
Preparation of articles
Articles needed are:
- Pressure cooker-1
- Feeding bowl-1
- Feeding spoon-1
- Mixer grinder jar-1 (Only for baby)
- Scrubber-1
- Keep all articles separately for the baby and do not use for other purposes. (Rationale- To prevent bacterial contamination)
- Mixer grinder jar is the best source of bacterial growth, so that mother should clean it well. Take the white paper, dish wash solution and 50 ml of water in the grinder, grind it for 1 minute and wash it very well (do it weekly) (Rationale- To remove food stain and dirt). Then, pour boiling water and cover it with lid for ten minutes (do it early morning every day) (Rationale- To kill bacteria completely). And keep it dry.
- Boiled rice- 50gm
- Green moong dal- 50 gm
- Nendran banana- 1 no. Chopped
- Drinking water-100 ml
Wash hands with soap and water.
Wash pressure cooker very well. Add rice, dal, banana, and water and keep it on the medium flame for two whistles. Then, allow it to cool. You can smash it with a spoon and give it to the baby.
Otherwise, in a cleaned mixer jar, add the cooked items and grind it as a thick paste by adding lukewarm water(already boiled) slowly. Transfer to cleaned feeding bowl.
Wash pressure cooker very well. Add rice, dal, banana, and water and keep it on the medium flame for two whistles. Then, allow it to cool. You can smash it with a spoon and give it to the baby.
Otherwise, in a cleaned mixer jar, add the cooked items and grind it as a thick paste by adding lukewarm water(already boiled) slowly. Transfer to cleaned feeding bowl.
Preferred feeding time: 1-2pm
The position of the baby:
Wash hands with soap and water.
Wash hands with soap and water.
Best position is- Make mother sit on a floor with supported back and stretched legs. Keep the baby on your legs and head of the baby facing towards your legs. So that you can get a control on face and arms of the baby. Keep the head of the baby slightly elevated.
Allow the baby to engage in activities and give a spoon of food and allow ample time for the kid to swallow it. If the kid does not open the mouth, give a mild pressure on one side of the cheek and give food. You can feed the full amount of food by keeping the baby engaged with toys. Avoid the third person with you otherwise, you and baby might be distracted.
Feeding issues: Spitting the food or not swallowing the food by the baby
In this case, give food about one-fourth of the spoon and waiting for the baby to swallow it. Don't feed the baby until it is swallowed, or else the baby will collect the food in the mouth and finally the baby spits food out.
Feeding issues: Spitting the food or not swallowing the food by the baby
In this case, give food about one-fourth of the spoon and waiting for the baby to swallow it. Don't feed the baby until it is swallowed, or else the baby will collect the food in the mouth and finally the baby spits food out.
To be noted: While feeding the baby, make sure that food should not spill over the nose and eyes. If it is spilled on the nose, gently wipe the food with a towel. If it is spilled on eyes, immediately wash the eyes until the baby is comfortable.
Aftercare of the baby: Keep the baby in the same position for at least 10 minutes in order to prevent projectile vomiting. Wash the face with clean water and dry with a towel.
If the baby vomits, stop giving the food and discard the entire food. When the kid gets hungry next time, you prefer to give mashed banana, as it is rich in fiber and eases the digestion process.
If the baby vomits, stop giving the food and discard the entire food. When the kid gets hungry next time, you prefer to give mashed banana, as it is rich in fiber and eases the digestion process.
Aftercare of the articles: After feeding, immediately wash the articles with the soapy solution and rinse it very well and, keep it for dry till the next feeding to prevent bacterial growth.
To be noted:
- Watch the stools of the baby for any color change and you can see the level of digestion of food.
- Do not compromise on cleaning and hygiene of the food, otherwise, you have to see the little one is suffering from infections.
- Continue breastfeeding along with solid foods (as you wish).
Reliability of the information
"We live in the midst of so many answers, suggestions, and options to one question itself. During my motherhood period, I found very difficult to opt the best do's for my baby, despite being a professional nurse. After a lot of readings, observations, brainstorming discussions with my colleagues who are nursing experts, health professionals, and experienced mothers, and I have opted the best things for my baby, implemented and succeeded to have a happy motherhood period without a single episode of fever, cold or diarrhea for the baby and sleepless night too. The baby demonstrates a progressive weight gain +/- 400gm monthly. In spite of committing trials and errors during your parenting time, you can read, understand and implement it. If you have any queries or suggestions, a great welcome to my blog."
Mrs.Ponnambily Jobin